Sunday 17 September 2017

Mad Dogs with Guns

After looking for something different to wargame and with a sense of character building and action, I have settled on Mad Dogs with Guns. After just reading the activation rules using cards and the great underhand nature of the rules I was sold. This rulebook reads well and explains everything clearly, making for a good game. The best thing is the way the author suggests ways to play, often with humour and the open options you get to game. Another treat of this rulebook is the stunning and inspiring art work by Peter Dennis. After playing a test game I was very happy to find that all the rules on my cheat sheet came into use and made sense.

In terms of miniatures you can't resist Copplestone Castings great range of miniatures. A good selection of gangsters, G men, Cops and Dolly Birds. With a female miniature clearly representing Bonnie I needed a Clyde, the best miniature from copplestone range is the American adventures which has a guy armed with Clyde's trade mark weapon the B.A.R. This suits what I want to paint and play too, more American bank robbers like John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson than big city Al Capone types. Added to the miniatures toy cars are easy to come by too.

Bonnie, Clyde, Clyde's Brother and Wive

For the first proper game I wanted to keep the names simple and easy to remember. I am also a great fane of The Simpsons so for the gangsters Fat Tony, Johnny tightlips, legs Franky the squealer and so on fitted the bill. To combat this crime wave the crusader (who couldn't stop the beer baron) Rex Banner, and the more able Police Chirf wiggum, backed up with lou and Eddie.

Rex Banner "You're out there somewhere, beer baron! And I'll find you".
Fat Tonny "How do you know you don't like bribes if you've never taken one?"

Needless to say the cops won. They crashed one car into Fat Tony's car, setting it on fire and Rex Banner jumping out of the way for a van only to stand up and machine gun the tyres for it to crash into a wall. What fun! I can see great longevity in this game and would like to add some civilians to add an extre level to the game. Maybe Eliot Ness and the Untouchables might have to stop some trucks on the Canadian bordier...

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